I woke up early to start riding before 9:00, it would be a long day of over 75 miles to reach the cycle hostel in Sebree, KY. It was probably a week ago that I crossed paths with Bill Poindexter, a fellow cyclist touring east, you can follow him on his blog wholeearthguide.blogspot.com. He had recently stayed at this hostel and suggested that I also stay there. It was a distance within my reach and the possibility of rain overnight was the carrot.

The day was cool and comfortable for riding and I was setting a pace that would get me there between 6 and 7. Around 1:00 I rode into a small town with a little country store with six men sitting on the front porch. This indicated that the place was open so I stopped and went inside to explore. Just as many women were sitting inside at the lunch tables. The choices of the day were fried catfish dinner which included potato salad, baked beans, coleslaw, and a large portion of fish or the same but with frog legs. I chose the fish and to follow, a slice of fresh baked strawberry pie. Delicious! I was just about to devour the pie when one of the women walked up and said “just in case you never have had frog legs, I want you to try these” and plopped a pair of legs on my plate. Well, I’m here to see the country and experience the culture. I tried a bite and ended up eating all that I was given. Seventy years old and my first taste of frog legs, very tasty.

While moving down the road with a full belly I see a cyclist heading towards me on a loaded touring bike, we both stop and tell stories of what and where to eat and sleep. Chad would be seeing where I have ridden and I would see where he has been.

Within the last five miles of my day’s journey, just outside of Sebree two loaded cyclists are heading east. During this visit I remember to take a photo and exchange contact information. Their names are lost somewhere deep inside my brain, so hopefully they will make contact.

Showered and resting in this nice hostel.