
4/5/24 York to Gettysburg

This morning I wake up to the smell of coffee brewing. This gets me out of bed and I follow the aroma down the stairs. Scrambled eggs with sausage, toast and the coffee that I followed to the table. I thought I was done but before I could get out of my chair a slice of last night’s apple cake was placed in front of me.

Paul presents a different route that will get me to Gettysburg and offers to ride with me to Route 30. It is raining as we set off.

Last night my hosts were Paul and Jane. They have done many tours. We sat up late telling tales of touring. Jane makes very nice quilts and is a master at sewing. Jim’s interests are much like mine, riding his bicycle and riding some more.

Today’s ride.

I am now in Gettysburg and checked into a motel next to the Diorama and local Brewery where I have a nice meal and brew.

Time now to relax and get ready for tomorrow.