
7/30-31/23 Laurie

July 30 I decided to stay at the campsite to check over my bike and be with the dogs. This, unknowingly, was a very wise choice. Not long after Nancy left I got a frantic phone call. The car that she had recently bought for this trip died on the roadside. Hours went by and then I got another call, her car was towed to a Dodge dealership. Being Sunday it was closed so she booked a motel room and planned to go to the dealership in the morning.

The dealership informed her that it was most likely the transmission and sent it off to another shop that specializes in transmissions. A frantic night for sure!

July 31 Nancy talked to the transmission shop, they confirmed this is the problem and they searched for a good rebuilt transmission. Now the estimated time to get her car back is at best a week but most likely two weeks. Nancy was able to get a rental car but it won’t be available until 3PM tomorrow, Tuesday.

We have now skipped over Plan B and landed on Plan F because this is such an F’ed up mess. I will see Nancy again late tomorrow after she gets the rental car and drives back to camp.

Oh, the canister of dog food is in the car! A camp neighbor gave me enough food to feed boys last night and this morning. Another neighbor offered to drive me to a store today so I could get enough dog food until Nancy brings the canister back with her.

Pics of the lake at the campground. The boys and I walked over there tonight.