
8/25/24 to Campobello, NB

Lynn and I wake up at 4 AM and start packing up the campsite to leave at 6 for the ferry to Mainland. We purchase tickets and go across the street to have breakfast at a restaurant. We have an hour to wait for the next ferry to arrive.

The ferry arrives and we board for the ninety minute ride to Mainland. We watch Harbour seals and porpoise swimming alongside the boat.

Back on land we ride over to the stony beach to look for sea glass. Today we found sea glass.

Now we ride to catch the ferry to Deer Island. On Deer Island we ride the many steep hills to the ferry to Campobello. We are early and have a forty five minute wait so we head to the point to sea Old Sow, the whirlpools, but the tide is high so the whirlpools are small and difficult to see.

We head back and board the ferry to Campobello.

Now back to the campsite and set up camp. We will wake up at 5 AM to leave at 6 o’clock for Vermont.