Tentist and the Teapot

Alley Spring Hike

After a breakfast of pancakes with real maple syrup from Brattleboro, VT. and a pot of Elbow Room coffee I will see a bit of the Ozark National Seasons Scenic Waterways. I see most of the tour from a cyclist’s eye but today I will see another view point, that of a hiker.

Nancy, the dogs, and I drive up the Alley Spring and Mill, about ten miles west. It is on the route I’ll ride tomorrow. This spring puts out an average of 81 million gallons of water per day!

All the water flowing is only from this spring

We also hiked one of the trails climbing the ridge overlooking the valley where the mill is located. Nancy stopped to examine the flowers and watch the birds.

We also met two horseback riders out on the trail. Some touring cyclists refer to these non-riding days as rest days. I prefer to think of them as days with opportunities to see the world differently while exercising a different muscle group.