I set out again after a nice breakfast, Nancy cooked eggs as I got my gear packed and ready. Back on the route the sun began heating the day. Nancy also was also getting ready to move to her next campground, Hells Creek. Just before Belt, MT. she drove by with the horn blowing and light flashing and pulled to the roadside and stopped. She handed me a cold Dr. Pepper, perfect, I was already thirsty.

A bit later I followed my route off Route 200 onto a nice side road into the Gem of a small town, Belt. I stopped at the grocery and got some eats and drinks. Before leaving, a man struck up a conversation about bicycles, touring, and good beers. Belt has a very good brewery in town with a very good Porter, on his word I haven’t tasted it, called Pig’s Ass Porter.

It didn’t take long before the heat emptied my water supply, I drank a lot of water today. I ran out with 10 miles to go and no place to refill. I saw a pickup parked on the roadside and as I approached a young man flagged me over to offer me water. I thanked him while refilling both bottles and drinking the Gatorade he handed me. We had a nice conversation before he dove off, he was going home to Tennessee.

Finally getting to Stanford I checked into my cabin for the night, this RV Park does not have tent sites.