
Cookie day

Yesterday crumpled my brain and tossed it in the wastebasket. Spending most of the morning on the phone with tech support because my secure blog site was showing as a non secure site on my browser. The problem was eventually fixed, the https site had been entered as http. Now, after lunch, I began to tweak and play with the look and workability of the blog pages. Next, I found the sun had set and it was dinner time.

This morning was again more time addressing a few other site issues. I finally got ready to ride a bit later than noon. Anxious to get out riding I opted to forgo lunch. The stop at the Creamery for an oatmeal raisin cookie was deserved and greatly appreciated.

Fueled with a few tasty calories, I made it back to my hometown and picked up a grinder to carry home for dinner. Now I’m putting my day into a few words on virtual paper. The day ended with another tired brain.