Tentist and the Teapot

Days 3 & 4

On Friday morning we packed up and left Cape Henlopen for Assateague Island. The day started cold with some wind, but not as severe as the day before. It warmed up nicely, and we arrived at Nancy’s campsite in time to set up tents before enjoying a great home cooked meal in the Teapot.

Friday night was cold, but with less wind than the previous night, and we had some shelter in the brush. Saturday morning I warmed my hands by the cook stove while waiting for the water to boil for coffee—a comforting feeling on a cold morning. The route to Onley, VA was nice; cinder trails and quiet country roads that meandered through trees and along fields. This was a long day—76miles. CK and I are now relaxing in a comfy motel room waiting for dinner delivery. The luxury of comfort!