The unplanned rest day while waiting out the cold rain gave me the opportunity to catch up with blogging and emails. Just having a quiet day all to myself was the best rest day I have had since starting this tour. My logistics for the final miles to Nancy’s campsite didn’t have the usual rush to get it done before getting to sleep, waking up and packing to set off for the day. My first climb carved its way up the side of a steep mountain that I was soon to discover is Mount A. Once at the top I followed a road that dropped me into the valley below.

This final leg to the Breaks Campground rolled through small towns that have fewer than 200 people, maybe a store with gas pumps, and the occasional eatery. I found such a place around 1:30 along the route. Being hungry, I rolled over, dismounted, and went inside. BBQ pork with coleslaw sandwich and potato sliders caught my eye and delighted my stomach. While scanning the ice cream freezer I found a cup of strawberry sundae that would soon become desert.
Satisfied and full I began my final climb up the Breaks, this is the way through the Appalachians that Daniel Boone scouted as a passageway into Kentucky. This is also the passage that brings me to Nancy. We enjoyed a wonderful dinner and the next morning’s breakfast we spent the afternoon hiking the trails that showed me a hiker’s perspective of the mountains that I have been riding through this past week.