It rained last night so the roads were wet as I clipped in and pedaled out of Harrodsburg to continue west. Without many options to choose for a place to sleep on route I opted for the 77 mile trek to Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Park in Larue County Kentucky. The route would bring me over many miles of ribbon candy back roads. I enjoy riding roller coaster hills because the short steep hills have a rhythm. Once at the top of a hill I drop into the dip and coast most of the way up the next where I can stand and pop to the top and repeat over and over.

I made it to the campground with enough daylight to set up camp, eat, clean up and get a good night’s sleep. Overnight the temp dropped to near frost and covered my tent with dew so I let my tent mostly dry while eating breakfast next door. I was planning to tour the birthplace of Lincoln before finishing the day at Axtel Campground in the town of McDaniel with Nancy at her site. Nancy was thinking of touring the birthplace so she drove over and we toured together.

Now back on the route, and Nancy heading back to the campground, I would join her at the end of the day. My route, US 76 TransAmerica bike route, was scenic and much like yesterday. I arrived in time to order a pizza delivery to the campground and enjoy my first beer of this tour before falling into a deep sleep. I am taking a rest day to check over my bike and gear and planning my next sleep stop in Sebree, KY. 77 miles away in a cycling hostel.