It was raining yesterday as I arrived in Muscatine so I got a motel room that was right on my route. The Travelodge Inn was cheap with no frills but within walking distance of food. This morning I want to leave early for the long day’s ride to Nancy’s campground, Johnson Sauk Trail Park. I ate a small loaf of banana bread before the motel breakfast buffet.

I rode the bike trail around the city to the bridge crossing the Mississippi River into Illinois. The morning fog was a raw cold and I dressed in fall clothes to start.

I stopped for lunch at 11:30 with 40 miles behind me. I removed my outer clothing, the sun was out and now it’s nearing 70°.

At Cambridge I left my route to Kewanee and followed CR 1200 in a straight line to the campground, shaving ten miles off today’s mileage. The day ended early in the afternoon with 75 mile. The last 16 miles were on a small county road that rolled through farmland with scattered wind turbines.

We went to Kewanee for dinner at Cerno’s Bar and Grill. What a great way to end the day.