Tentist and the Teapot

Lewistown, MT.

I packed up and left my little cabin behind and crossed the road for breakfast at the cafe/casino/bar/gas station, the only game in town. The morning was cool with some light sprinkles. Lewistown is 45 miles away so I didn’t need to hurry or leave early. Check in is 3 PM at the Yogo Inn so the compromise is to get there before it gets hot and not so early that I wait too long  to check in.

Riding the road that stretches ahead forever a car slow while passing and the passenger asks, “Are you the guy that started in Delaware and is now riding back to Massachusetts? Surprised, I told him yes and he told me to enjoy the trip and be safe. The car sped down the road.

I got into town at 1 PM just before the heat builds. I decided that a 2 hour wait in a cool lobby is the better choice. This is where the problems begin. Last night the Inn was booked full with a wedding of 300. This morning only 2 of the 8 cleaning staff showed up to work so my room was not ready at 3 PM and not until 4 PM was I able to get into my room. I thanked the two women and told them that without their persistence I would not have a place to sleep. The elder apologized because I overheard her swearing and complaining about the situation. She said that’s life, either sunshine or shit. I told her that life needs shit to fertilize it. She smiled and cried, and we hugged.

I went to my room with my bike and gear and then went to the Big Spring Brewery across the street for dinner. I had a fabulous meal while telling my story to the waitstaff. They mentioned to the owner and the IPA was on house.