My day will be fifty five miles to Monroeville where I will sleep in the Community Park. Being a short day I wasn’t in a rush to get going so the morning was very relaxed.

I couldn’t get away from the NE wind. I was either going north or east so I pushed through 15-20 mph headwinds all day. The cool 60° day was a nice riding temperature.

On Yoder Road to Poe I came across a detour sign because of a closure just before Poe. I flagged down a car coming from that direction and asked if I would be able to get around the obstruction. I was told that on a bicycle I probably could so I continued.

The detour would add many miles so I took the chance. The road was closed because the river washed away the ground under the road. There was a two foot sag in about ten feet of the road’s length. The area supported me and my loaded bike so I was able to continue twenty two miles to my sleep spot.