I’m heading to Powell Campground where Nancy set up camp. This is a short day with one pass and 21 miles. Last night was cold and there is ice and frost on the tent and ground. I decided to let the tent stand to dry when the sun comes over the mountain to melt the frost. The air is cold so I went across the road to the restaurant to sit in the sun and have some breakfast.

With a full belly I walk back to the campsite and pack up all my gear the breakdown the tent. With everything on the bike I head off to climb the pass and once again cross the border into Idaho. Just before the climb I take off my windbreaker, heavy jersey, and long pant. The temperature have now soared to 90°.

Reaching the top I now have a steep drop that tapers to a gentle roll down the the campground. Just as I turn onto Powell Park Road so does another cyclist, Craig, touring east. We visit and ride to the camp store and then two more come in, Jill and Santiago. The three are heading east and I am at my sleep site.