I was planning to ride to Cross Timbers State Park for my next sleep spot and then I got Nancy’s text, she was also planning to set up camp there. It’s getting more difficult to find campsites in Kansas. I still have options every 50-60 miles with cyclists only and cycling hostel. I check the local weather every night and morning when planning my daily mileage. A storm front is coming through but it looks like that will be after 3 PM. My day’s ride begins at 9 AM with a stop 5 miles up the road in the center of Walnut, the only place to get food for the next 30 miles. I am told to be careful, there is a front coming through by noon with lightning, 40 mph wind, and the possibility of hail the size of a penny.

Twelve miles later, riding in the rain and watching lightning strikes in the distance, I came to a small picnic area with a pavilion. I head there and get under cover. The cold wind is strong and unrelenting, I am wet and getting uncomfortably cold. I wrap an 8×12’ trap around the corner post to hide from the wind. Nancy sent a text to let me know that she is on her way to the campsite. I let her know where on the route I am. She came by with a warm omelet breakfast and continued down the road to register, it’s a “first come” site.

I curled up out of the wind to wait out the storm. The front should move by in a few hours. I’m also checking my weather app, watching the map and now I’m on the edge so I pick up and leave. The storm is on my right and moving away and on my left is blue attempting to take over the sky. My overly optimistic departure brought me into rain but the lightning was off in the distance.

I used up 4 hours of riding time waiting out the storm so now, at best, I am 3 hours from camp and soaking wet as I ride into Chanute, KS. There is a motel on route so I changed my plans to spend the night here. I book a room, shower, and do a load of laundry while eating. Tomorrow is another day and it looks dry, I will start it clean and dry.