Tentist and the Teapot

Whitefish, MT.

I woke up and looked outside, it was raining. There wasn’t any rain predicted the last time I checked so I opened my weather app, yup rain but it would be over by 9 AM. I sat back down to wait out the rain.

Now, finally on the road, I was soon on the old highway that follows the Tobacco River. It was nice to be off the busy route 93. While stopping to take a photo Dave came along, he is doing the Great Divide so we only rode to the next intersection before parting.

Now back on route 93 heading into Whitefish I see two touring cyclists coming towards me, we stop to chat. Mary, from Rhode Island was leading the way and MJ joined her somewhere along their route. Mary started the Northern Tier from her home riding up to Massachusetts to pick up the Erie Canal Trail to connect to the Northern Tier. I told her of my tour and that I am now heading home to Ashfield, Massachusetts. Mary rode through Northampton and up into Goshen. She stopped at a farm stand there to get vegetables for dinner, she planned to sleep in the DAR the farm stand she was invited to camp on their lawn. I said Oliver’s? Yes was her answer. I told her that my home is 3 miles from there going through the DAR.

I am now spending the night at Warmshowers hosts Chuck and Rita. After a wonderful visit I am ready to sleep.