July 25 The campsite that we booked months ago is the most horrendous site I could imagine. This site is wet with filthy water everywhere attracting mosquitoes to us in flying Kamikaze hordes diving onto any exposed skin. One slap of a hand would kill up to a dozen of these little blood suckers. We did make it through the night with a sufficient blood supply to take photos and head off to the campground office demanding that we get moved to an inhabitable site.

We got a new site and hooked up and moved before finally being able to relax, set up again, and enjoy breakfast. This was followed with more than the usual amount of coffee.
July 26 We booked a walking tour of the Mi’kmaq Petroglyphs. We followed our tour guide along a path to the lakeshore where we sat and listened to the history and land of the people.

After removing our shoes we softly walked out onto the inscribed rocks on the lakeshore.
I am now sitting at our site with the dogs writing this post. Nancy is out kayaking on the lake enjoying a much deserved moment of peace and tranquility.