This is my last day of the TransAmerica west bound, I end in Astoria, OR. 67 miles away. I follow the coast North to Seaside where I get onto the beach walk and ride through town on the edge of the beach.

I leave the coast at Gearhart to ride over the ridge through the Lewis and Clark National Historic Park. Here I in solitude the last miles into Astoria, a welcome contrast to the car congested rte 101.

I cross the Youngs River and make my way to the Trolley Trail that brings me to my final end point, the Columbia River Maritime Park and Museum.

With a block to go I am greeted by a small group of people walking the sidewalk with cheers and waves. As I enter the Park I see Nancy waiting and a larger gathering also cheering and then the blast of a Coast Guard Ship’s fog horn. Nancy arrived in time to orchestrate this fanfair. She managed to convince the crew, with the approval of their Commanding Officer, to welcome my arrival.