Before leaving Jackson I had a nice breakfast at the Bunnery, the Jackson omelette. The first few miles rolled along a nice quiet bikeway bringing me to the Teton Pass. Up, up, and straight up it was. The old Teton Pass road is now the bikeway up the pass so it was a lot steeper and windy than the new roadway. I was looking at some 18% grades, hauling my 70# loaded bike up to the top powered by my sorry sick ass.

I stopped at a small lake half way up to drink and eat hoping to stop my coughing fit.

Once at the top I once more ate and drank while talking with other cyclists that had also reached the top.

The long switchback drop to the valley of small towns below provided enough recovery to make it to Driggs, ID and find a place to get settled in and have dinner. I’ll be sleeping early tonight. Tomorrow, hopefully, will be an easier day with more miles forward.