I rode away from Henry’s Lake a bit later than planned. The huckleberry pancakes were a treat but slowed the morning start. Nancy was rushing to go to a nature preserve and I was trying to pack and not forget anything. Once I pedaled away I began to relax.

My route, a detour around Yellowstone, was on rte 87 bringing me to the upper entrance of Yellowstone to connect with the TransAM route. Ten mile into the ride I was on the opposite side of Henry’s Lake and I could look across and see Nancy’s camper. Riding the wide shoulder I heard metal under the rear tire and a pop and hiss. The metal sliced the tread and the ¼” slit was spurting sealant. I laid my bike on its side and rotated the wheel until the cut bled the tire on the gravel shoulder. I took out my tools and plugged the hole then removed the valve core fed sealant into the tire. After replacing the core I pumped the tire, all this without needing to remove the wheel from the bike, and rode off down the road to the Montana state line. Tubeless rocks!

Today I found that elusive tailwind! It really does exist after all. This is the first tailwind I have had since Virginia as I began riding west.

I’m now in Ennis, MT. relaxing at a cycling hostel.