Leaving Anacortes was uneventful, just a kiss good by to Nancy followed bu the snap of the clipping. I head out of the campground by two women camping. One asked where I was touring and I replied the Northern Tier east. She shouted that she was envious so I stopped to talk. Turns out this is her dream goal. And seeing how Nancy and I are doing this together reassures her that she and her partner would also be able too.
I am relieved that Adventure Cycling routed me out of Anacortes and through Burlington on bikeways and secondary roads.

The campground that I had hoped to stay in Rockport was full so o had to move on. I was already over 60 miles in 100° heat so I opted to go off course and follow rte20 rather then the route because of the option for camping. I found a rest area next to the Skagit River and decided this would be my sleep spot.

A bit later a camping van pulling in and Tim, a geologist by hobby, was also going to sleep here. We had an interesting conversation over some box wine. This is when another Tim, much younger, stopped by. This 30 year old is in the process of defining his life and ask for our advice in shaping his. He is in the right track, we wished him a happy and successful life. Now it’s time to sleep. What a wonderful day.