Today I left at 5:30 AM to stay ahead of the wind and to beat the afternoon rain. The temperature of 48° and the soft cool wind felt nice and pants with a windbreaker would make for a comfortable ride. From Jeffery City the first eleven miles are a steady low grade climb.

The scenery begins to change and soon I am at the crest with views of the valley below. As I turn into a lookout another cyclist is approaching ahead of his riding companion. They see me and also come into the lookout. Two Brits greet me with warm smiles and hearty hellos. They are riding 120-160 miles per day on their loaded bikes. Their visas are holding them to a tight schedule.

As I get close to Nancy’s campsite at Twin Pines RV Park I hit road construction and get held up. I can see the campground just up the road but I was not allowed to go ahead riding the shoulder so I waited in line for the pilot car to lead us up the road. As I wait I am by a flashing sign announcing that all roads into Yellowstone are closed due to flooding and road damage. Now I need an alternate route around the park.