Today July 18 I toured some carriage roads with my sister Debby and Lyn. We rode to the summit of Cadillac Mountain. This is the highest mountain on the east coast.

On the ride back to our campsite we stopped at the Jordan Pond House for their famous popovers with ice cream. We found them over priced and way over rated. The rest of our stay those popovers made it into our conversation in a very unflattering way.
July 19 Debby, Lyn and I rode out to Witches Hole. We explored different carriage roads. It was sunny and hot. This time we rode right by the popovers.

July 20 we rode the Around the Mountain Loop. This very hot day is our last ride. Debby and Lyn would leave the next morning.

July 21 Nancys and my last day at the Acadia National Park. Nancy went kayaking on Eagle Pond, I relaxed (not really, I was fretting about getting to the ferry and border crossing) while staying with the dogs. Today we started the transition to Canada. We then took the shuttle bus into Bar Harbor for dinner and a look around.