July 22 we packed up, hitched the camper to the car, and we both started our separate rides. I am headed back to Bar Harbor to catch the ferry to Yarmouth and Nancy is heading to New Brunswick to her campground at Fundy Bay.
I made it to Bar Harbor with a few hours to kill and stopped at the Village Green. I bought a sandwich and a scone and ate half the sandwich on the Green.

Once on the ferry I ate the rest of the sandwich and scone. The boat ride is three and a half hours so my arrival time was 7:30 with the time change to Atlantic Time.

Customs was a breeze. I had booked a place to sleep at a Warmshowers host 50 km away in Cape St. Marys. I watch the sunset over the bay with 10 km to go.
The last 5 km I rode in the dark Nova Scotian fog. A car came up from behind and slowed down next to me. The woman in the passenger seat asked if I was Russ, I replied yes. She introduced herself as Rose, my host, and said to follow them to their home. This kind gesture eased my anxiety of finding their home in the darkness.
They had a nice meal of Shepards Pie and cold beer for my 9 PM dinner. We told stories of touring, then a hot shower and off to bed.