July 23 I was offered a nice breakfast of bacon and eggs with coffee. Rose and Willis, my host, were getting ready to go to church that was just a few minutes away. I stayed and got my bike packed for today’s adventure. When they returned Willis offered to take me to the harbor that is just up the road. The fog was lifting and the lobster and fishing boats were moored in the low tide. I could see the stain on the rocky cliffs that appeared to be twelve feet above the sand where the boats sat.

Once back at their house, with the knowledge of Rose, we discussed areas to see and places to stay. I now know that my next host is too far away so I canceled and booked a campsite at Fundy Spray Campground. Now I am off to Digby. On this sunny day with great views I stop for lunch, a place Rose recommended. Thank you Rose, the lunch was wonderful.

Getting to Fundy Spray Campground was not free of problems and wrong turns. Google Maps was a poor choice. I arrived an hour late and the office is closed. I made a reservation that morning so I set up my tent. I walk over to the showers to find I need quarters, which I do not have and the office is closed. I head back to my tent for a Wet Wipes bath. I cook dinner and go to bed tired.