After a wonderful sleep I woke to the sounds of Eagles and Sand Cranes. After coffee and visiting the women’s yoga group that were also camping here I headed out into the cool wind.

In Fountain City I stopped to visit Brone’s Bike Shop, Nancy found this on her way to her campground and suggested I stop. WOW! The perfect bike shop! They trimmed the inventory down to just high end bikes and components. Now comes the good part. This is a bike shop, coffee house, and ice cream parlor!! As I looked around the owner said that bicycles, coffee, and ice cream are the three most important things in life so he brought them all together in his business. We talked for an hour while drinking awesome coffee and a pint of the ice cream.

Sometimes you get the perfect roads to finish the day. I finished up on a road through the Trempealeau Wildlife Reserve to finish in Perrot State Park Campground.